We support colleges and universities to deliver educational excellence through staff development, curriculum design, digital learning and impactful projects
Higher Education is undergoing unprecedented changes, with significant strategic curriculum and pedagogic initiatives taking place in every university, often in a condensed timeframe. Face-to-face, blended, and online provision are all experiencing change. We can support you with course design and the development of new provision.
This work can be targeted at an individual course right through to include all undergraduate and/or postgraduate taught provision across an institution. Facilitating the process involves bringing colleagues together, with advice, input and support, so teams can concentrate on the critical issues of designing and developing distinctive courses to achieve change and student success.
Delving into inclusive education can open up new ways of learning. Grappling with what we mean by inclusivity and its implications in and outside the classroom. We can offer support advice and guidance through workshops and 1:1 support around diversity & representation, accessibility, digital accessiblity and co-created classroom management.
Despite all the great work over several decades, there still remains a challenge for many as seen in NSS and PTES scores as well as in learner feedback. AI has changed how we assess students and it is essential universities adapt their practices. We offer workshops and 1:1 activities to support staff develop effective approaches as well as responding to
AI and authentic assessment.
Higher Education is undergoing unprecedented changes, with significant strategic curriculum and pedagogic initiatives taking place in every university. We can support you with course design and the development of new courses. This work can be targeted at an individual course right through to include all undergraduate and/or postgraduate taught provision across an institution.
Teaching is a privilege and it is great to interact with learners to support their devleoment. We are able to offer support for those new to teaching, looking for new approaches, or developing dfiferent types of teaching practices - classroom, laboratory, online, asynchronous and blended. Through 1:1s and/or workshops we can help to facilitate and deliver change to support a positive staff and student experience.
An impactful and transformative student experience is something we all strive for - delivering a positive impact to the lives of learners. Additionally, positive student feedback can support recruitment and institutional rankings in league tables. Whether it is the NSS, PTES, module evaluation or from student committee feedback, we can work with modules and course teams to develop activities, approaches and interventions to help deliver a positive learner experience.
Many institutions are looking to expand their portfolio (and thus diversify their income streams) through the development of new online courses. We can help with the design and validation of online teaching, transitioning staff to teach online as well as facilitating the development of different models of learning and delivery. Flexibility and agility are essential to ensure success.
Companies House Registration - 13863089 - Incorporated on 21 January 2022 Tel 07380468833 hello@transform-ed.uk
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