We support colleges and universities to deliver educational excellence through staff development, curriculum design, digital learning and impactful projects
Digital technologies are a core part of a learner's educational experience and of staff pedagogical practice, workload, and management. Used effectively, learning technologies can open new ways to learn, foster new curriculum development and deliver excellence in student engagement. They can streamline workflows, introduce efficiencies and provide additional routes to support student retention, community, wellbeing, academic performance, and overall excitement for learning.
A Learning Management System (LMS) can make or break the student and staff experience as well as impact course performance. To support you, we offer a series of customisable services to help make your learning technology portfolio work for you, your staff and your students.
A Learning Management System (LMS) is a tool used by most institutions (Moodle, Canvas, Blackboard, D2L - as examples). Changing your LMS can be a daunting experience from procurement to implementation, training, integrations and rollout. We have experience in leading LMS selection and deployment and can help with the entire project from scoping to launch.
Often, an LMS is not used to its full potential. Within institutions there will be pockets of excellence but many still use an LMS as a repository with a fraction of the tools being applied. We can help make your LMS impactful from audit to running 1:1 and staff workshops. We can lead projects to invigorate your LMS, targeting staff and student feedback to make it work for you and your community.
Choosing and applying a digital pedagogy will impact the learning experience as well as the engagement and outcome. Often, tools are used without the necessary context or curation of the learner journey. We can help with implementing an approach for a programme, department or institution to give a consistent and impact digital experience. For those newer to digital learning, we offer 1:1 support or group workshops.
Following the widespread launch of ChatGPT in Nov 2022 (although it had been around for longer), there has been an explosion of AI tools and services available. Institutions are grappling with how to integrate these into their programmes whilst maintaining quality and standards. Supporting learners and staff to use these tools effectively, efficiently and ethically is key. We can support you with staff CPD, the creation of practice and policy, assessment redesign and/or integration of AI into learning and teaching.
Staff and student digital capabilities impact how they approach their roles, the time required to deliver tasks, the quality of their outputs and their experience. Drawing from DigComp (European Framework for Digital Competency) we can baseline capabilities and offer targeted inventions aligned to roles. Using a co-curricular approach we can support the embedding into modules and programmes.
Impact assessment and feedback practice will enhance a learner’s experience, attainment and engagement with their studies. For staff, it can feed into effective workload management and deliver their vision for their course. We can support approaches from module.programme holistic design, using digital tools, writing feedback and marking approaches for QA & QE. We can deliver targeted NSS/PTES interventions.
Companies House Registration - 13863089 - Incorporated on 21 January 2022 Tel 07380468833 hello@transform-ed.uk
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