We support colleges and universities to deliver educational excellence through staff development, curriculum design, digital learning and impactful projects
We are excited to be partnering with the Cambridge Assessment Network on their forthcoming CPD accredited workshops series on the Communication and management of assessment in Higher Education. The workshops start on Monday the 11th of September 2023 and will run in four sessions over a two-week period.
Assessment and feedback are core activities in Higher Education as a tool for learning as well as measuring the attainment of learning. Data collected on student experience of assessment (e.g., the National Student Survey in the UK) indicates room for improvement in many areas. Assessment and feedback in Higher Education is a complex and emotive topic area, so there needs to be a balance between quality, learning, experience and robustness.
Much work has been undertaken on the design, quality assurance and enhancement of assessment practices and the aim of this workshop series is to combine these activities with a project management approach and through a student experience lens. Indeed, the students’ assessment experience is significantly influenced by how the entire assessment journey is designed and curated. Ask yourself this question:
‘When leading a module, have I designed a weekly student communication plan aligned to their assessment?’
A simple module timeline is shown below - the module assessment is launched at the beginning, submitted at the end with a formative activity in the middle. How can the assessment experience be supported and enhanced by structured activities, communication, practice and activities between these core components? With consideration, how can these new activities enhance student engagement, attainment, first time pass rates as well as reduce assessment anxiety? This workshop series will explore these areas, offer ideas of immediate implementation and practices for their subsequent measurement.
Figure 1. Weekly model of a typical 12-week long module.
The workshop series comprises of four x2 hr sessions.
To book onto the workshop series, or to learn more about it, click here - link to assessment series . Additionally, receive 10% off this course with code: ASSESSHE2023 (offer ends 31st July).
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